Dry Liposomal

Lipsomal Dry Liposomal Products

LipoDry technology is the worldwide patented technology for Lipsomal dry liposome production and has been applied to all our dry liposomal supplements.
This technology ensures that the active ingredient is absorbed into your body better than traditional products.
Increased absorption of active ingredients
Tasteless, unlike liquid liposomal
No absorption enhancers
Easy to swallow capsules
Travel friendly
Improved stability
Easy to store

What is LipoDry Technology?

LipoDry technology is a worldwide patented technology for dry liposome production.
What used to exist only in the form of a water emulsion is now available in a dry form.
This technology is designed to improve the adsorption of the active ingredient in our Lipsomal products.
You want the active ingredient to be absorbed by your body as much as possible to experience its full benefits.

Why is Lipsomal so unique?

Lipsomal makes each liposomal product unique from existing supplements on the market.
The technology behind Lipsomal has been maturing for over 20 years. Our products are the fruition of our hard work to develop a delivery system with a much higher level of adsorption.

How can Lipsomal improve your well-being?

Every product carrying a Lipsomal is designed with your health in mind. Our primary goal is to provide you with the most effective supplements. Hence, you receive maximum benefits and feel your best!
Some actives might be potent, but many may be very poorly absorbed. Lipsomal improves the absorption of these active ingredients. In the past liquid liposomal formulations were the only way to efficiently deliver actives to your body that was difficult to absorb.
Studies have shown that LipoDry technology liposomes are better for absorption than ordinary vitamin capsules.
Less active ingredient is wasted because of the efficient delivery system since Lipsomal products are better absorbed.

How does it work?

1. Smarter Packaging
Liposomes are tiny balls made of lipids and water. They are made of the same ingredients as your cells and can bond with them. When this happens, the active ingredient is released into the intestinal cells and dispatched to all the cells in your body.
2. Delivery Method
We use a more innovative delivery method called targeted delivery. Instead of just generally releasing the active ingredient in the stomach, hoping the active ingredient will find its destination. As a result, much more active ingredient can reach the most crucial area of your intestine, where absorption occurs.

How does it work?

1. Smarter Packaging
Liposomes are tiny balls made of lipids and water. They are made of the same ingredients as your cells and can bond with them. When this happens, the active ingredient is released into the intestinal cells and dispatched to all the cells in your body.
2. Delivery Method
We use a more innovative delivery method called targeted delivery. Instead of just generally releasing the active ingredient in the stomach, hoping the active ingredient will find its destination. As a result, much more active ingredient can reach the most crucial area of your intestine, where absorption occurs.


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